You make some assertions which are unfortunately, a bit short-sighted.

First.  Cold-fusion in and of itself cannot parse xml, but the MSXML parser
can, and if I'm not mistaken, it IS accessible as a CFOBJECT.

Second of all, ASP is kind of object oriented.  You build COM objects and
call them through your page.  You can do that with CF as well.

PHP is object oriented, but why would you bother with all that coding when
you can create COM objects instead that are more accessible by other apps.

JSP is good, but it's a pain to learn.

Cold Fusion provides a great approace to providing rapid-application
development that quite honestly php, asp, and jsp cannot compete with.  A
seasoned cold-fusion person can keep up to most tasks faster than any other.

-----Original Message-----
From: Joseph Grossberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2001 12:28 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Is CF still relevant?

Now, before you dismiss this as a troll, please let me elaborate. This isn't

so much an instigation or a whine as it is a call for us to take a step back

and reevalutate things periodically.

Over the course of my career as a web programmer/developer, I have worked 
with a variety of sever-side languages and technologies: ColdFusion, ASP, 
JSP, PHP, Perl and Python. I like some more than others, but I'm not an 
evangelist for any; they each have their uses. And I recognize some of CF's 
strengths: easy to learn for people who know only tag-based HTML or don't 
have significant programming experience; built-in admin tool; specialized 
editor; comes with pre-built tags and web-based administrator. There are 
also major flaws: broken/sketchy tags; no XML parsing; not OOP; relatively 
small community; etc.

Right now, I work at a web development firm that is primarily "a CF house" 
(besides me). Our more senior programmers are looking at honing their CF 
skills, while our less experienced webmasters are trying to learn 
ColdFusion. But, I can't help but wonder whether they are wasting their 
time. Would they be better off spending their time learning ASP, Java or 
another non-CF solution? Why or why not?

And how would we tell if and when it was time to give up CF and try 
something else, as all but the most stubborn experts in also-ran languages 
(Ada, SmallTalk), applications (Netscape, Lotus Notes) and Operating Systems

(Amiga) have resignedly done?

Lastly, why do *you* still use CF? Is it because it's what you're best at, 
and you don't want to try something new (where, temporarily, you'd be a 
novice again)? Is it because your ccompany's legacy code is all in CF? Is it

because you genuinely think that ColdFusion is, generally speaking, the best

solution for web application development in 2001?

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