Here's a comparable question:
        I have a small pickup and I need to haul 42 elephants, but when I
load the elephants into the pickup it scrapes on the pavement.  Does anyone
know of a kit I could install to stiffen up the springs?  I was thinking
about removing the tailgate to reduce the overall weight of the load.

Get new specs.

Bryan Love ACP
Internet Application Developer

-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Fox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2001 8:28 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Compacting .cfm files

Sorry if this is beating a dead horse.  A search of the archives brought up
similar questions, but didn't really approach a solution.

I have a form that contains as many as 200 select boxes with about 6 options
each and 200 more input boxes.  I guess that there is some type of resource
crunch (memory, widget handles, who knows) that causes the following error:
when scrolling a large form, the select boxes begin to smear vertically.
They become clumped together and function oddly (some still seem to work,
although I can't tell what 'line' they belong to).

It's in the project specs that I cannot break the form up... which throws
out the 'display records 1-20 21-40' type solutions.

The only thing I can think to do is tighten the cfm code up.  Our shop is
indent happy for readability.  The indenting produces a LOT of whitespace
(perhaps bloating the code as much as 100%).  I've already added <cfsetting>
tags to squash output on custom tags, queries, etc.  But there is still a
lot of whitespace in the other 'normal' code.

Are there any utilities to obliterate whitespace in cfm files?  Er,
something along the lines of turning an indented file into a really long
single string?  Is there a code beautifier to do the opposite?  Is this
approach worthwhile?

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