
I encountered a similar problem... here is how I resolved it.

1) I defined the field in the db that holds the encrypted value as 
NVarChar(255).  This is a unicode field. The 255 length takes care of 
encrypted passwords are larger than the original.

2) I do *not* check the password in the SQL, rather in CF after it 
has been retrieved, e.g.:

<cfquery NAME="Login" .....

   SELECT UserID, Password
   FROM   Customer
   WHERE  UserID = '#form.UserID#'


<cfif NOT Login.Recordcount eq 1>
   <cfset Error = "Invalid UserID and Password.">
   <cfif form.Login_Password NEQ Decrypt(LoginAction.Password, key)>
     <cfset Error = "Invalid UserID and Password.">
     <!--- Login OK --->



At 1:57 PM -0400 6/29/01, Steve Reich wrote:
>I am having a problem with the encrypt/decrypt functions. Here is my code:
>*** This creates the user when they register...
><cfset dbPassword="#Encrypt(password, application.seed)#">
><cfquery name="CreateUser" datasource="#application.dsn#"
>username="#application.dsn_username#" password="#application.dsn_password#">
>    INSERT INTO users
>    (fname,lname,email,username,password)
>    VALUES('#fname#','#lname#','#email#','#username#','#dbPassword#')
>*** This validates a registered user....
><cfset dbPassword = "#Encrypt(password, application.seed)#">
><cfquery name="CheckUser" datasource="#application.dsn#"
>username="#application.dsn_username#" password="#application.dsn_password#">
>   SELECT userid
>   FROM users
>   WHERE username='#username#'
>   AND password='#dbPassword#'
>The problem is that if I output the encrypted password on my page, I get...
>(6 W=SO*;E^JD
>The field in the DB says...
>(6 W=SO*;E^H
>Obviously, they don't match, so the user can't get in. I've tried using a
>variety of seed values, including various lengths. It seems that the last
>one or two chars always come out differently? My questions are, what is a
>good length for the seed value and should this be alphnumeric or will any
>ascii character work? Also, I'm not sure why I can encrypt the same value
>twice and not get the same value. I'm thinking my problem must be in the
>seed string length, but I'm not sure? Are there known issues with this? Why
>am I having this problem? Can someone shed some light?
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