
Application vars are great for controlling attributes that occasionally
change (or frequently for that matter) that you want to affect the whole
application.  Say you wanted to have bgcolor across your entire site change
according to the time of day.  You can code your application.cfm or a
header.cfm script to <CFSET Application.BGColor = "whatevercoloryouwant">
based on the time of day.  Then, instead of coding this in the top of each
script,  you can simply call the #Application.BGColor# variable in each
script, and it will automatically be what you want it to be for everyone
calling your application.


----- Original Message -----
From: Steve Reich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2001 5:00 PM
Subject: Application Variables

> Seems basic, but I've never really addressed this. Assuming this code is
> my application.cfm file, what is the difference in these two....
> <cfset bgcolor="black">
> .....and...
> <cfset application.bgcolor="black">
> I guess I need a quick lesson on application variables. I know they are
> included in the scope defined in the cfapplication tag, but what are pros
> and cons?
> I have a small dev box with only 256 RAM. I have CF 4.5 and SQL7 running
> it so as you can imagine, it's quite slow. I'm wondering how much RAM is
> used storing application variables? Could I increase performance (albeit
> more theoretically) by not using application vars?
> If I am looking for server performance over speed, the first one seems the
> way to go since it's not a persistent variable. I'm only faking it by
> putting it in the app.cfm file. Along this line, do I even need
> variables? What's the story?
> Thanks,
> Steve
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