Thanks... I think I'll go that route...

- j

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Carabetta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, May 06, 2002 4:35 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Application Variables

>Hey all,
>I want to use application variables for a site, but one question comes to
>I have all my app variables set in one template.  Upon configuring the
>template, I hit that template to set all variables (makes sense).
>Now, while my application is in use, I check (in Application.cfm) to see if
>one of the vars is defined.  If not, I cfinclude the config template.
>If (given the slim chance) the app variables time out, is there anyway to
>reset them other than having an CFIF statement check on every page hit?
>I know the overhead is really low, but just based on the ideas of the app
>vars, i thought maybe there was a better way.
>Let me know if I'm being waaaay too picky about this.

First off, you're being picky. I understand you're desire to cut out any and
all fat from performance. But, as mentioned hundreds of times on this list,
whatever "overhead" might be associated with that IF statement in negligible
because there are other areas that will have much more of an impact on your
app's performance. Look at those things first before you start scrutinizing
an IF statement!

Second, do you really have to use application variables? I personally hate
them because of the whole locking issue. I'd rather spend the quite minimal
overhead of setting a few variables on each page request via an include in
Application.cfm than have to deal with locking. I have an app where I set 25
variables on each page load (page settings, colors, datasources, etc.), and
the overhead is virtually negligible. When I stress tested it under a load
of 100 threads (which I know is arbitrary and varies from system to system),
that template takes a maximum of 10 milliseconds to process. That's a
penalty I'll gladly accept if I don't have to worry about the locking BS.

Just my .02 though. You may have perfectly valid reasons for using
application variables. I just hate them.


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