As far as *using* these tags/objects is concerned, there's only so much
that a book can cover.  Reason for this is that these third-party
exensions have their own properties and methods, which vary by object.
So all you can really say is: here is how you access a property/method
in objects, and I think that the existing books have done a decent job
of this.

When it comes to *developing* cfx tags/objects, that's beyond the scope
of a CF specific book.  Objects are developed in their own language
(C++, VB, Java, etc) , and CFX tags are typically C++ or Java.  In a CF
book, you really can't cover much beyond the classes that CF provides
(for example, the CF C++ classes used in developing CFX tags).  

Billy Cravens
HR Systems, EDS

-----Original Message-----
From: Cary Gordon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 11:56 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Yipes - its raining ColdFusion 5 books

The CF Advanced book from BF and others covers this.  The CF 5 version 
(Advanced Coldfusion 5: Application Development) is due out soon, and I 
assume that it to will cover CFX.


At 10:34 PM 8/13/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>I'm wondering if anybody is in the works (or know of a book) an in 
>depth book on writing C,C++, & Java tags with ColdFusion. Also on using

>dlls & shared objects. Haven't been able to find much documention
>or examples on this.
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