Thanks Tom... I hadn't thought of using CFInclude... Trouble is, I want the
included file to process the queries!!   And that bit doesn't work.  I have
a page that when displayed is the newsletter I want to send... I also want
to use the same page to send to subscribers... It's the queries that are
causing me the problems!  :^)

on 29/8/01 10:48 AM, tom muck at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> That's not a problem.  Have you tried it?  You can't use a query attribute
> of <CFMAIL> tag if you do it that way, but you can use a <CFLOOP> and send
> one <CFMAIL> at a time.  It's actually just as fast.  I always use a
> <CFINCLUDE> to include the coldfusion page as the body.
> tom
> "Nick Texidor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> Iım trying to send an HTML newsletter via the CFMAIL tag but am having a
> few
>> problems.
>> If I simply enter all the HTML code in the tag, it works ok.  But Iıd like
>> to use an existing CF page, so that all the Queries run and then send the
>> resulting content.  Can this be done, or would I need to embed all the
>> code from the template into the CFMail tag.
>> Should I maybe use CFHTTP to run that newsletter.cfm page to allow all the
>> queries to process, and then send the resulting output??
>> Thanks for any help/suggestions
>> N
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