Being at the end of my wits - I have to ask the list the following OT
question. Please send any responses to me off list, any input is greatly

We have inherited a client UNIX box to co-lo. They have it setup as a web
server - however when I boot it and it starts the CDE desktop, there is no
mouse. I DO have a cursor, but the mouse will not work. I can navigate with
the keyboard though. I know this may sound silly but I cannot figure out the
problem to save me. The client has no help to offer and insists it worked
fine when it was sent - indeed just built for us to host. I have changed the
mouse to no avail. I am sorry to say I am not Unix wise. Researching the web
and texts has not been any help. I have tried finding local resources
without much luck and my tech associates are tired of hearing me pound them
for information.

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