yeah we have had problems with ORBS... weirdly it called one of our servers
open somehow because we customarily bounce bad mail back or have a responder
reply that the account has moved or is invalid... whatever, no relaying...
or so it says in my configuration..

based on their lack of service, documentation and slow response if is an ass

I had a ditto experience a while back... sooner or later someone will haul
them in and find five others and class action them...

It is a nice gesture... but way to heavy handed... they should at least
allow unlimited resubmissions for debugging purposes.... never nice dealing
with them...

It is like dealing with the Borg...

Well two of us.. who else hates this piece of net trash?


-----Original Message-----
From: Bryan Stevenson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2001 15:48
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: OT: SPAM lists?

Hey All,

I just had an mazingly frustrating experiences with one of the blackhole
database maintainers (  These folks think they are doing favours
by helping ISP's to block mail server IPs that are running open relays
(allow spammers to send using that mail server), but their implementation

The Scenario:

I'm running  a development box with IMS as a mail server (and hosting a
client's domain during development).  After about 8 months with no mail
issues whatsoever I receive a bunch of spam test messages from and
then get a message saying that my mai lever was an open relay and had been
added to their database.  This database is provided to ISPs so they can
block ALL mail coming from the IP addresses in it.

SOOOooooOOoooo ORDB thinks it's best to just add my IP with NO warning and
no chance to fix the issue before getting blacklisted.  Well that bit of
strong arming shut down my mail server and my client couldn't send any mail
(BTW my logs show that no spam EVER went through the system).  You then have
to try and fix the problem (not easy in IMS) and submit your IP for
re-testing (which they say takes 5-10 hours...reality was 12 plus hrs).  If
you haven't closed the relay then you have to try again (which I had to do).

My client was without e-mail for over 2 days.  I had to get rid of IMS and
found a GREAT free mail servr that allows SMTP authentication (Argo
Soft...get it).

My communications with ORDB were less than fruitful.  They didn't care that
my mail service was interrupted and said they don't give you a warning
because then more spam would get through (which there was none). So these
guys would rather innocent people lose their mail service instead of
allowing a few more spams through...geesh.  To top it off they hide behind
the "well it;s the ISPs that block you..we just provide them with the
database of IPs".  Which transaltes to "He didn't have to use the gun I
handed him"!!

Well their predecesor ORBS had 2 legal injunctions against them and had to
shut down.  I'm sure if they continue to stop valid mail service that
someone with the time and money will go after them too...awwwwwww what a
shame *insert eveil grin here*

Thanks for listening...and get ArgoSoft's mail server....super easy to use
and install

Bryan Stevenson
VP & Director of E-Commerce Development
Electric Edge Systems Group Inc.
p. 250.920.8830

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