Hey Dave, 

Thanks for the ideas... have to say though... I'm very confused by the fact that the 
viewed source from IE loads into Netscape without incident. Does Apache feed slightly 
different code to a Netscape client?? I would think NOT.

I have been using an incHeader.cfm and a incFooter.cfm file... they are only three 


by not including the header the file now loads properly giving clues that something 
with nesting is going on.

I will continue looking...

At 05:12 AM 12/13/01 -0800, you wrote:
>Look for broken tables or tables nested more than 2 deep?  Also, if your
>page results rely on javascript in any way, you might want to look there.
>No other ideas though without seeing the source code / html code.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Gonzo Rock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 12:59 AM
>Subject: Netscape is crashing
>> I have some code that is crashing Netscape4.07 but not IE 5.5.
>> Nothing to earth shattering... a query or two followed by two forms.
>> Have spent 6 hours trying to isolate which pieces of code are causing
>it... so far without luck.
>> One of the things I tried was to view the source in IE... and then save it
>to a file called testing.html... I then loaded testing.html into Netscape
>without a problem... So odd!!  I would think that what is generated by CF
>would crash Netscape but...???
>> Anyone ever have to chase down a problem like this before? If so, any
>clues would be much appreciated.
>> laters,
>> Gonzo
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