Hey Joel,

The site is behind a firewall at present... however the .cfm source is available if 
you want to wade through it... or maybe I can cut and paste the html generated into a 
message for you directly ???  Let me know if that would work for you all.

Again, Thanks!

It turns out that a FORM element was the trouble in the .css file, though it may have 
been trouble only in combination with the html. 

At 12:03 PM 12/13/01 -0600, you wrote:
>If you can send us the URL we could help you out more.  Netscape is a
>bit harder to code for in html since it is really picky about the HTML.
>It has to be perfect to work.
>Send us the URL and we will be able to help you out better.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Gonzo Rock [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
>Sent: December 13, 2001 11:13 AM
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: Re: Netscape is crashing
>Hey Dave, 
>Thanks for the ideas... have to say though... I'm very confused by the
>fact that the viewed source from IE loads into Netscape without
>incident. Does Apache feed slightly different code to a Netscape
>client?? I would think NOT.
>I have been using an incHeader.cfm and a incFooter.cfm file... they are
>only three tags;
>by not including the header the file now loads properly giving clues
>that something with nesting is going on.
>I will continue looking...
>At 05:12 AM 12/13/01 -0800, you wrote:
>>Look for broken tables or tables nested more than 2 deep?  Also, if 
>>your page results rely on javascript in any way, you might want to look
>>there. No other ideas though without seeing the source code / html 
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: "Gonzo Rock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 12:59 AM
>>Subject: Netscape is crashing
>>> I have some code that is crashing Netscape4.07 but not IE 5.5.
>>> Nothing to earth shattering... a query or two followed by two forms.
>>> Have spent 6 hours trying to isolate which pieces of code are causing
>>it... so far without luck.
>>> One of the things I tried was to view the source in IE... and then 
>>> save it
>>to a file called testing.html... I then loaded testing.html into 
>>Netscape without a problem... So odd!!  I would think that what is 
>>generated by CF would crash Netscape but...???
>>> Anyone ever have to chase down a problem like this before? If so, any
>>clues would be much appreciated.
>>> laters,
>>> Gonzo
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