It would seem that Macromedia especially (along with some good people at
former Allaire) have leaned quite a bit towards Java... Especially with the
Jrun acquisition and similar peaked interests, a lot of non-Java programmers
explainably have got the willies :)

I am in Pittsburgh and Cold Fusion is still a new name/product to most... We
produce lots of Java programmers at our finer institution of knowledge.
Additionally, MicroSoft owns a good market share of installed base in this
region ala ASP...

I would like to see Macromedia address the efficiencies of the migration to
a more Java based core and the advantages... Doing this all the while,
indicating the next generations of Cold Fusion won't lose the rapid edge and
become an OOP mess :)


-----Original Message-----
From: Jon Hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2001 15:08
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: death of coldfusion


Matt Brown wrote:

>ColdFusion is NOT dying in the least. It is doing quite well and now has
>the largest team assigned to it ever in the history of Macromedia.
>Even more than the DW/UD teams combined.

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