> However, before getting overly complicated, you could at 
> least do some level of your own encryption without a lot 
> of research that would prevent the lazy hacker from just 
> ripping off your credit card numbers. Splitting them in
> two tables is not all that difficult to figure out. If 
> someone wants them bad enough, they're still going to get 
> them... Having access to your database is one thing, 
> getting access to your encryption code, even if it is
> very basic is at least one larger step towards deterrence.

I don't know. If I had to choose between using the Rijndahl algorithm (the
one chosen by the US government for AES, which will eventually replace DES)
and telling everyone I was using it, or using some scheme of my own and
keeping the details secret, I think I'd go with option 1.

The "key" to successful encryption, of course, is key security, and that's
where developers are more likely to run into problems. First, they might not
realize the importance of keeping keys secure, and second, it might be
difficult to both secure keys and make the application fulfill its business
goals. For example, if you're storing credit cards, you're typically doing
this so that you can reuse them if necessary - otherwise, you're better off
not storing them at all. So, you need to keep the card number in an
encrypted form, but your application will also need to be able to decrypt
the card number when the customer needs to reuse it, and thus will need the
key to perform the decryption. To be perfectly honest, I haven't seen a good
implementation description for this kind of situation, and fortunately
haven't been put in a position to have to deal with this problem on a
serious scale myself. I'd be interested in hearing how others have dealt
with key security in this kind of situation.

> As far as CFENCRYPT, I meant public in the fact that you can 
> use CFDECRYPT to decrypt the values.

Well, yes, but you need a key, unless you can break the encryption scheme
used. Of course, since you use the same key to encrypt and decrypt (a
symmetric key, I think that's called, as opposed to a public/private key),
and since you're typically doing this within your application code, all the
attacker has to do is find where you've stored the key. This is a common
flaw in encryption usage, but it doesn't have anything to do with the
strength or validity of the algorithm itself. That's not an endorsement of
the algorithm used by CFENCRYPT, which I suspect falls into the "sucks"

The best algorithms are, as mentioned before, public in the same sense.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
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