Sometimes I like to get really wasted on a Friday night, too.  Thanks for


----- Original Message -----
From: "Douglas Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, February 08, 2002 10:33 PM
Subject: Future of the internet

> I know this is way OT, but I had to put my thoughts into words.
> Myself and a friend were discussing the outlook of technology, and one
> of the things that we discussed, was what we felt the future held for
> web technology. We both agreed that the web has to transform into
> something more than the sum of it's parts. Our feeling on the subject is
> that Macromeda/Allaire is at the forefront of what the web can and
> should be. Macromedia Flash is still in it's infancy when you look at
> the amount of sites that incorporate flash technology and those who do
> not. Now the reason for this is well known as being not enough high
> bandwith connections, but that is changing at an enormous rate.
>      With Macromedia's acquisition of Allaire and dynamic data driven
> content, there should be no end in site as far as development goes. I
> thought at one point that their were not enough Coldfusion jobs and I
> should take the time to learn a few secondary languages. Although that
> still holds true as far as the amount of Coldfusion jobs, I think that
> once Flash and Coldfusion merge into one beautiful application
> development tool that we will be begging for the jobs to slow down.
>     We thought....what would it be like to open your "Macromedia Flash
> Browser" (No more clumsy Internet Explorer or Netscape) What a joy
> surfing would be !!! Imagine shopping online without having to drill
> down 10 layers to finally checkout. When you clicked on a product,
> another window would slide open and you would enter your info and voila
> "done"!! If there is any company that could stand toe to toe with the
> Microsoft Monopoly on the internet, it is in fmy opinion
> Macromedia/Allaire.
> Thanks for listening to my rants...I am just tired of hearing all this
> negative Macromedia Talk (IE: Death of Coldfusion)
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