I hear all this talk of limited Broadband.  Maybe I'm just lucky living 
in a
metropolitan area in Canada - DSL and Cable are the same price and is 
affordable (about $40 Cdn / month).  It'd be nice if it were cheaper, 
this isn't too bad.  Then again, I have heard some grumblings that 
Canada is
a bit further ahead in adoption of newer technology (could be wrong 

As for the Future of the internet... makes me think - with all these 
on the I-Net, sooner or later someone is going to try to put them 
in a neural net or something similar.  So THE killer app in this case 
be the I-Net itself...

On a different note, I don't see how this discussion has much to do 
Cold Fusion anymore.... <grins>

Shawn Grover

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2002 7:29 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Future of the internet

I agree with this on both counts, even here in Australia the feeling is
very mutual. The broadband that is reliable is limited to coverage
(Cable), and the DSL services are far to expensive and will kill the
market and at the moment is also very unreliable with the uptime.

I myself have had the time to think about where the future is headed,
and there many opportunities that will open up when this gets sorted,
But there has to be 2 things present.

1) The medium has enough coverage to give your product the coverage it
needs, and to deliver the way this is to look.

2) Security, this will be a big undertaking and people would be 
to hook to something that offers very little protection to any stored

But I see so much old technology that could be changed for the better,
when broadband is here.

-----Original Message-----
From: Pete Ruckelshaus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, 12 February 2002 12:43 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Future of the internet

The "killer app" for now is broadband, and that's something that the US
really falling behind on. Once broadband is prevalent, it will allow 
to BE both the medium (for information and entertainment) and the
(for delivery of content and information, as well as a voice, video, 
data communications medium).  If the government/telco's/etc. don't get
collective acts together, we're going to be an InfoTech 3rd world
nation.  I
mean, hell, I live in a neighborhood of $300k houses in suburban Phila
apparently nobody wants to provide brandband to us.  After that, I 
next "killer app" is mainstream home/personal server/firewall (or, more
accuratly, appliance) for storing information, video, music, etc., but
that to succeed, broadband needs to be prevalent.

Sorry, Doug, but I think it goes way beyond the integration of Flash 
though personal bandwidth is important for that to succeed as well.


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