If only I could talk about what I am doing in my spare time right 
*sniff* between Macromedia's pending releases and my daughter going to
kindergarden, it is almost enough to make a man cry. Look how far they 


-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Alton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 8:13 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: a little about the future

I'm excited about Flash MX and CF MX. I'm the Flash evangelist over at 
and what I love the most about Flash is the possibilty of building 
with advanced state management and validation capabilities in a 
the time it takes to do the same thing with other technologies.

These forms require less code, are cross-browser compatible and easily
scalable (clustered servers). They're object-oriented forms and the 
has been that it is very difficult to do the first time.

I'm guessing that Flash MX/CF MX will make this development much easier 
therefore strengthen CF.

And Flash and Neo..... Don't get me started!

Greg Alton

----- Original Message -----
From: "John Dowdell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 5:40 PM
Subject: RE: a little about the future

> At 8:22 AM 3/4/2, Angel Stewart wrote:
> > I don't like how they seem to have CF MX as errr 'supporting'
> > Flash MX.. *folds arms and pouts*
> > The whole thing was about Flash MX basically.
> > *taps foot and pouts some more*
> Other folks had the info, if that helps. As Mike noted, text-based
> functionality is certainly stronger than before, and the smarter 
> doesn't detract from that.
> I've been thinking of this aspect: ColdFusion was one of the first to
> away from stateless viewing sessions, by remembering things about the
> visitor on the server end of things. Now it has a stateless partner 
> in the client... there's no need to toss the page after each visitor
> interaction.
> These "rich web applications" with client-side processing are a 
> extension of the previous type of web applications.
> ColdFusion didn't make regular static web servers obsolete... both
> expanded. A smart client won't make ColdFusions text-based generation
> obsolete either... just adds another tool to your toolbox.
> At 9:22 AM 3/4/2, Bryan Stevenson wrote:
> > I've been dangling CF/Flash teasers in fornt of some local 
> > and they are flipping out about the potential.  So I guess we as
> > developers could throw our opinions at this latest announcement
> > until our fingers are red and raw or we could be happy that the
> > folks that pay us to build applications like the idea ;-)
> It's great to hear you've been getting nibbles on this, even at this 
> stage. I hope it goes well for you, and please nudge us along with
> course-corrections as you see them, thanks:
> http://www.macromedia.com/support/email/wishform/
> (The list here is fine for nudging too, for sure, but the wishform 
> requests directly logged for whichever development team you wish.)
> jd
> John Dowdell, Macromedia Tech Support, San Francisco CA US
> Search technotes: http://www.macromedia.com/support/search/
> Offlist email risks capture by the spam filters. I may not see your
> email if it's not on the list. Private one-on-one email options are
> available via Priority Access: http://www.macromedia.com/support/

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