Plane, Nathaniel wrote:
> Eek, what about <cfoutput group="">? You wouldn't be able to group result
> sets in this case.

Just use a conditional loop which is not over the query as a query, but 
over the query as a structure of arrays. Have to do that anyway if you 
want to jump back and forth between rows.

> And what about page includes, those would be out of the
> question (including a page with another cfoutput without a group parameter
> would throw an error).

Depends on design. I usually have pages that are included and pages that 
are called directly, not pages that can be both included and called 
directly. Combined with not using the query attribute on a loop/output I 
don't see the problem.

> This coding method has quite a few consequences
> associated with it, i would be very hesitant to implement this design
> philosophy on any large scale development projects.. IMO it would also
> produce "dirtier" looking code, when used properly <cfoutput>'s by no means
> make code "harder to read".. Just my opionion anyways.

It all depends on overall coding methodology. But it wouldn't be my 
favourite either.


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