I have an AS/400 and I am not sure if it supports transactions and I
want to test it. Is the syntax for cftransaction correct below. I would like
to pretend there is an error right after I insert the newlinenumber and I
would like to roll that back.

<cftransaction action="BEGIN">
        <cfquery name="GetNextNumber" datasource="#request.AS400dsn#"
                SELECT  #request.enviroment_exception#.F0002.NNN002 as Next
                FROM #request.enviroment_exception#.F0002
                WHERE #request.enviroment_exception#.F0002.NNSY =
<cfqueryparam value="55" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR">
        <cftransaction action="COMMIT"/>

        <!--- Set number to have zeros in from which will be shortened
throughout application --->
        <cfset variables.TrimOrderNum = "0000000#GetNextNumber.Next#">

        <!--- Set new line number to be 1 up from old number --->
        <cfset variables.newlinenumber = GetNextNumber.Next + 1>
        <!--- Insert new line number --->
        <cfquery name="InsertNewLineNumber" datasource="#request.AS400dsn#"
                update  #request.enviroment_exception#.F0002
                SET     NNN002 = <cfqueryparam
value="#variables.newlinenumber#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_INTEGER">
                WHERE   #request.enviroment_exception#.F0002.NNSY =
<cfqueryparam value="55" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR">
        <cftransaction action = "rollback"/>

Robert Everland III
Dixon Ticonderoga
Web Developer Extraordinaire
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