At 09:55 PM 4/22/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>Trying to stay out of is my wishlist:
>1. Integrated client-side file uploading tool, that is not an applet or
>aciveX. Probably meaning it would have to be Flash.

  What is wrong with <input type="file" name="MyFile">?  It is not an 
applet nor activeX.

>2. A multi-server in memory variable scope. If the site has multiple
>servers, and even if the content is being served by different servers
>between requests, I want to be able to set a variable that is tied to
>that user, and be able to read it on any server.

  Are there any systems in existence where two separate systems can share 
the same RAM?  What is wrong with using Client Variables for this purpose?

>3. Support for all the normal operators! (++, --, != and so on)

  I think this one is a good idea.

>4. Make CFQuery more powerful...I wan't the ability to scroll up and
>down through recordsets. I want the ability to have recordsets be
>updated with new data from the database without having to requery.

  I don't understand this request.  cfquery is a tag that sends SQL text to 
a datasource and creates a query object (I.E. an array of structures).  It 
doesn't have anything to do with the display of data.  It is easy to make a 
'forward next' interface for scrolling through data lists if you need to, 
and ColdFusion provides features to do this in the cfoutput and cfloop tag.

  I do not know how they would implement a way to update a database without 
executing a query.  It's like asking me to modify a text file without 
accessing the file in any way.

>5. Big Neo marketing campaign. I know there was one right after the
>merger, but Neo needs a big one. The IT execs need to see CF as an
>alternative to dotNet. An ad campaign in those stupid IT exec mags would
>be cool. Buzzwords, buzzwords, buzzwords. Send press releases to all of
>the online tech news sites...

  This is a good idea, and I hope they do it.

>6. Upgrade Studio for pete sakes. It's getting crusty. I must say that
>I've had the pleasure of coding in VS.Net, and what a wonderful coding
>enviroment it is. It's the current benchmark for any IDE out there in my
>book. If I could code CF in it I would.

  They upgraded Studio about a year ago.  There were not a lot of new 
features, but did constitute an update.  I suspect that Macromedia will 
concentrate their efforts on Dreamweaver, although time will tell.

>7. CF applications certified by Macromedia? I don't know if there would
>be much of a call for it, but I do know that there are times when I
>don't want to reinvent to wheel, and want to go buy a pre-built
>application. If the code isn't available for me to quickly peruse, it's
>impossible otherwise to tell if the application is worth buying. I've
>been burned a few times after buying a program and the source code is a
>pile of junk with a pretty interface.

  Doesn't the developer's exchange provide this feature?  ( Although 
applications do not get certified by Macromedia ).

Jeffry Houser | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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