Hi All, I'm a new subscriber to the list and about 3 projects new to CF. I
recently posted a message but was unsure if it got to the rest of you. So
please paron me if you receive this as a dubplicate.


I am having trouble returning a collection with the <cfobject> command. Any
help would be appreciated.

I have an ActiveX Dll with the Prog-ID:ghZipLocator.clsghZipLocator
inside that I have a method/function called "GetCompanyNames".
GetCompanyNames returns a recordset. Which works well in ASP.

Here is my code for the "getCompanyNames" method in
Prog-ID:ghZipLocator.clsghZipLocator. You will see it is very simple.

Public Function getCompanyNames(ByVal strDsn As String, ByVal strDsnUserid
As String, ByVal _
strDsnPasswd As String) As Variant

On Error GoTo err1

Dim connlogin As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rsResult As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim sqlCompany As String

connlogin.Open strDsn, strDsnUserid, strDsnPasswd

sqlCompany = "SELECT Company_Name, CompanyID " & _

Set rsResult = connlogin.Execute(sqlCompany)

Set getCompanyNames = rsResult

Exit Function

Err.Raise Err.Number, Err.Source, Err.Description
End Function

Here is my CF code.

<CFSET dsnname = "gHarvest">
<CFSET dsnuser = "sa">
<CFSET dsnpass = "">

<CFOBJECT ACTION="Create" NAME="obj" CLASS="ghZipLocator.clsghZipLocator">

<CFSET MyRecordset=obj.GetCompanyNames(#dsnname#,#dsnuser#,#dsnpass#)>

<CFLOOP COLLECTION=#MyRecordset# ITEM=file2>


Everything seem to work fine until it get to the loop. At this point I get
the following error.

unknown exception condition

unknown error while executing a tag.

I can send the VB project code if any of you think it may be helpful. If I
am doing this incorrectly, an example of the correct procedure would be
greatly appreciated.



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