Slightly off topic, but in my tutorial last night we were talking about
organisational culture and politics in different industries. People in my
tutorial come from a broad range of backgrounds, including government
departments, large management firms, research companies, and IT. Were were
asked to list the things that cause conflict in our industry.

Myself and another programmer, and an ex-sysadmin did some brainstorming. It
turned out that IT had almost double the amount of things to argue about
than any other industry. We argued about technologies, methods, trends,
management structures, profitability and efficiency, amongst others. It was
voted that workers in the IT industry had the greatest amount of political
challenges, these were fueled by internal and external factors (e.g. "We
should all be using .net because most of our staff know it" vs. "We should
all be using .net because our customers want it").

It seems that we become stuck in the middle and the only real way to solve
things (in a perfect world) is to collaborate. I.e. with web services (in a
perfect world), .net and Java could talk with CF, without the need for
extensive integration. CF could be used for it's web development strengths,
and PHP, java, and .net used for their OO strengths. The problem is that we
do not want to work together. Makes me wonder, why can't we all be friends?

My two cents (balance = 7c)


-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Haikal Saadh
Sent: Tuesday, 9 May 2006 9:47 AM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Where have all the CF developers gone?

I've actually fantasied taking that 10%, wrapping in functions, and
injecting in on startup to web-inf.component. Or extend
web-inf.component, and include those methods, and have all my code
extend the new and improved component.

Has anyone done this yet? If not, why?

Dale Fraser wrote:
> I'd also imagine taking the 10% of stuff you cant do with CFSCRIPT and
> including this would be easy. *snip*

Haikal Saadh, Applications Programmer
Teaching and Learning Support Services
K405, Queensland University of Technology, Kelvin Grove Campus
[EMAIL PROTECTED], 3864 8633
CRICOS No. 00213J

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