I think you should read the response about 3 more times.

I didn't mention ignoring open source options, just ones with no major

We extensively use Java, we previously used PHP and Perl and it wasn't
suitable for our application.

With that said, I personally like PHP, the language and syntax. But with our
past experiences with both PHP & Java Coldfusion has been a godsend.

The Board can now see the fruits of the Coldfusion decision and are 100%
happy. There is no going back for us.

Dale Fraser


-----Original Message-----
From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Tom Kerr
Sent: Wednesday, 30 August 2006 6:49 PM
To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Why buy into CF?

On Wed, Aug 30, 2006 at 01:58:58PM +1000, Dale Fraser wrote:
> When presenting different technologies to the Board here, the first
> the chairman asked.
> Q: Who makes ColdFusion
> A: Adobe
> Now if I had been pitching PHP.
> Q: Who makes PHP
> A: Ahh, Not sure a bunch of guys, but you shouldn't care!

A little research is a wonderful thing.  You can 'pitch' PHP like that
if you want it not to be taken seriously, or you can point out that it's
an open source development, that many of the "big guns" both contribute
to and make use of open source software, and that support contracts for
PHP are available.


> Yeah, right I'm not sure what type of business you work for who don't care
> about these things, but we are a publicly listed company and our
> care.

I'm sure that companies like IBM care as well.  The decision to use and
support open source doesn't seem to have caused their downfall yet.
Maybe it's a weakness for your company not to have considered a viable
and stable development option?  As both a developer and member of the
public (read: potential informed investor), knowing that your company's
board is not well-informed is not reassuring.

I'm not saying that PHP is the right answer for you, and I don't like to
think of myself as an evangelist.  I do think that blatantly ignoring
the open source model, which has time and time again proven itself to be
worthy of contemplation, is a mistake.


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