

I think your missing something.


>> What I would like to see from Adobe take from .Net is the amount of objects that have been exposed in to the developer.


All java objects are accessible, you just need to access them.

>> That is, I would like to see more JAVA objects exposed. For example, I would like to see a CFZIP tag, and how about CFIMAGE or CFSLEEP. There is pletty of stuff in the JVM - it just need to be made easier to access.


There are cfc’s which do all three of these things with java calls already, the zip one is free the image one is very good and inexpensive and the CFSLEEP one is a one line call to java.






<cfset thread = CreateObject("java", "java.lang.Thread")>
<cfset thread.sleep(5000)>


5 second sleep.

Dale Fraser

From: [] On Behalf Of Andrew Mercer
Sent: Wednesday, 30 August 2006 6:24 PM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Why buy into CF?


The thing I like best about CF over .Net, is it has been consistent for the last 9-10 years - since the CF tags (after db tags)
For example, data base access - data access methods have come and gone, odbc, ole, oleDB, ole.Net , ADO ..., but for the CF developer it has always been CFQUERY. Allaire/MM/Adobe have been tweaking things under the hood, but my applications continue to work without modifications.

What I would like to see from Adobe take from .Net is the amount of objects that have been exposed in to the developer.
That is, I would like to see more JAVA objects exposed. For example, I would like to see a CFZIP tag, and how about CFIMAGE or CFSLEEP. There is pletty of stuff in the JVM - it just need to be made easier to access.

I would also like to see ADOBE release a free version of CF with the only restriction being the number of concurrent hits - say 5. That would encourage more people to play with it at home and build up their skills.

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