For your SME clients - stupid cheap CF hosting -

It is meant to be quite good too, if you do a google search on it -

Just to throw that in.


On 9/7/06, Sean Bucklar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Forget your mega budget push from Microsoft, I'm still
> astounded/disgusted in the amount of hype that surounds the
> RubyOnRails camp. did you know that 37Signals has done a deal with
> Apple so the next version of OS-X comming out will have RonR included
> on every copy, ready to install and run? sure you can still get it off
> the website, but think of the kudos."
> A (kind of broken) version of Ruby already ships with OSX. If you're
> installing ROR on a mac you've got a couple of extra stages of dicking
> around to complete the install.
> I've been looking into ROR in regards to some of my price sensitive
> clients for a while now. The overwhleming majority of Australian
> business is SME, and its always an uphill battle to sell Bob on the
> cost of CFHosting, or god forbid if Bob's application requirements
> mean that a shared/relatively cheap hosting environment won't really
> work out all that well.
> I'd love to work with enterprise level clients who are keen to roll
> out robust solutions with a budget where the spend money to save money
> axiom holds water. But its oh so rare to find that sort of gig lately.

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