> Forget your mega budget push from Microsoft, I'm still
> astounded/disgusted in the amount of hype that surounds the
> RubyOnRails camp. did you know that 37Signals has done a deal with
> Apple so the next version of OS-X comming out will have RonR included
> on every copy, ready to install and run? sure you can still get it off
> the website, but think of the kudos.

OMG - another free software consipracy - quick get the DOJ onto it!

Did you know Adobe (formerly Macromedia) have done a devious deal with
those evil communists at the Apache Foundation to secretly bundle the
Xerces parser and Axis web services engine with every copy of

> Go on Adobe, top that!

Bleh - Acrobat Reader owz you.

Mark Stanton
Gruden Pty Ltd

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