Slight sidetrack from this thread, but I'm switching hats, so I think it's pertinent.

I've not worn my CF hat for a while (but I have had me Flash hat on for a while), but now it's time to put on my java hat.

It's has sort of caught me off guard, the amount of code that needs to be written to get anything done... mind you, I've not worn the java hat for about  3 years now, so part of it is getting up to speed, and having snippets and other productivity weapons on hand, but have a look at this example:

I need to create a URLConnection that takes a user name and password.
I can't just set those as parameters. I need to:
  • Extend the default (abstract) Authenticator class.
    • Make it figure out the username and password (by asking the user).
  • Register said authenticator as the one to be used
  • Fair enough, but I'm using properties files (for now), and I already have those strings in my possession.
This just seems to be a lot of grief over a simple user name and password.

I mean, I'm sure that as I mature as a java programmer, I'll accumulate libraries that will make things like this trivial as it should be, but as someone who has switched from being a CF programmer, this way of doing things is somewhat counter-intuitive.  I can understand perfectly from an software  engineering POV (in the academic sense) why this has been done; I've read the GOF patterns book, and I understand most of it; but at the end of the day, it just doesn't help me Get Things Done.

That said, working with java in eclipse (3.2) is proving to be an amazing experience. The IDE knows so much about the language and environment, that it even offers fixes for most compiler errors. It has also provided enough _useful_ assistance to me that I'm genuinely impressed.

It's a shame that CF really does not have an editor similar to this. (CFEclipse, while great as far as CF editors go, is still not as cool as eclipse as a java editor)

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