Scott Barnes wrote:
> Ok, Let's go to the numbers shall we as this will give hopefully a few of
> you an insight as to why I switched tracks over to MS and kind of kick the
> OSX argument in the butt.
> (Just the facts mam!)
> (Fiscal Year ending 2006)
> HeadCount World Wide: 71,172
> Net Revenue:  $44.28B (USD)
> Growth:   11%
> Net Income:  $12.06B (USD)
> Growth:   3%
> Market Share (Source:
> Windows:  97.46%
> Apple OSX:  01.43%
> Linux:   00.26%
> - reported that 22% of Installs of Windows were "Non-Genuine"
> - That means that People are more inclined to commit piracy or become
> victims of piracy, before they'll touch Apple OSX (which isn't fair, as
> certain countries have poor economic backgrounds and therefore Piracy is
> easier and more likely to Occur - until now with Vista).

That's one interpretation.  Another is that Microsoft's monopolistic 
practises have removed choice from the market.

> - Microsoft will only continue to Support Windows XP for 5 years.

And the fact that existing customers are left in the lurch is good 
reason to purchase another of their products?  What's the support period 
for Vista?

> - Windows Vista has a minimum recommended specification (like XP once did
> etc). Which means folks with older machines will eventually need to upgrade
> ( like Windows XP days ).
> - Given that Upgrades are likely to occur, I wonder what HP, DELL, INTEL,
> Toshiba, ASUS etc are all going to say about that and whether they'll
> embrace the idea or prefer OSX gets installed?

So businesses should buy-in, because they will be *forced* to purchase 
new hardware.  Maybe I'm being unfair, your rhetorical question is 
rather open-ended.  What *will* HP, Dell, Intel, Toshiba, Asus etc say 
about it?  Surely you're not implying that they'll collude to restrict 
choice in the marketplace?

> - Given that certain versions of Windows Vista has Media Centre installed
> mixed with Sanity Music, Bigpond onDemand, Kodak etc (local based
> initiatives to start off with), I wonder what places like Harvey Norman are
> doing about this in terms of "Home Entertainment Division" (Especially
> thinking along the Zune Player track and the per month subscription model).

Hang on, this is a bit of a jump.  We're talking about home usage now? 
So home users should upgrade so that they can pay per-month fees for 
something for which they can currently buy a perpetual license.

> - Given that XBOX 360 also integrates quite snuggly with Windows Vista, what
> does that also mean for places like Harvey Norman.
> - Given that code base is easier to develop to for both PC and XBOX 360 at
> the same time, what do Game Developers think of both (could it be fair to
> argue that PC Game scene may also gain a surge in terms of marketshare
> alongside console).

DirectX is a steaming pile of snot. ;)  It's also currently my only 
reason to run Windows on a desktop.  The Cedega 
[] guys seem to be doing a sterling job of 
removing that necessity.  I haven't signed up yet, but the thought of 
Half Life 2 on Linux kinda gives me tingles.  As does removing XP from 
the last of my desktops it's installed on.

> - Given that you will be able to play (certain games of course) XBOX 360
> against PC Gamer online (Vista) won't that be a compelling arguement (I'm a
> mouse man myself, not a console jokey).

Not really.  As far as I can tell they're trying to use the PC online 
community to kickstart the equivalent for the console.

> So, 5 years ago, Microsoft had around 50,621 employees, they gained 20551
> there after, that and made more money and just released a significant
> milestone in its profile since the migration from Windows 3.11 to Windows
> 95...
> Do people still think that OSX is going to sufficate or that large
> businesses are going to move towards Linux or other.

Do I think that businesses *are* going to move?  No, not all at once. 
Do I think they should?  Absolutely.  More competition in the 
marketplace can only benefit we, the consumers.

> I keep hearing the X-platform argument a lot lately and I keep thinking are
> the numbers I'm seeing different to what the others are seeing? 2% of the
> worlds population is a fair whack of eyeballs don't get me wrong... but in
> contrast to the other piece...
> That being said, if you companyX have an employee who loses their laptops
> (given laptops are highly visible in most coporations) do you think that a
> 6months or a year from now, DELL are going to sell new laptops with XP on
> it? I'd wager they'd move towards the Vista Pearl heheh.

You're back to saying that "we" should upgrade because we won't be given 
the choice. ;)

> I should mention that maybe the X-Platform plays a role, in that
> reports that Apple Laptops make up 12% of the "Laptop Market
> Share".

That reminds me, your "market share" figures up top, what segment do 
they represent?  Do they include the small server market, where MS has 
historically been losing ground to both Linux and BSD?

> I love the comics, I think they are funny and I too am a bit confused at
> times about the pricing of our Products (heh) but realistically, jokes
> aside, keep it in perspective.

The pricing is but one concern of many. ;)  For example this: patent application, which to my eyes seems to 
be describing a way to divide an operating system into non-logical 
chunks, apply some "DRM" magic to prevent circumvention, and sell useful 
features at higher prices.  Useful features such as the ability to run 
"an unlimited number of concurrent applications, up to the capacity of 
the hardware".  Don't we already have that?  Would such a model fly, on 
a level playing field?

Tom Kerr
tjkerr "at"

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