Yeah - makes sense.

The local machines arent a problem as we can add them to the hosts
file on the local machine, its the dev box ones that are the issue.  I
had a feeling that this wouldnt be possible.....

On 3/16/07, Haikal Saadh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Like you say, you don't really have control over your client's domain
> names, so you'd need something rooted at the local level...
> So if I was you, I'd set it up thus:
> * : That way, all subdomains of
> localdev. will go to localhost. This would need virtual hosts to be set
> correctly, of course.
> And then, you can set, say,
> : <IP for dev box for Foo. Inc> .
> : <IP for dev box for Bar Co.> .
> Makes sense?
> Duncan wrote:
> > Scenario:
> >
> > Web dev shop, lots of clients, lots of domains, using an internal dev
> > box, using SBS server 2003
> >
> > Problem:
> >
> > current DNS is set up for clientname.local and points to the site on
> > the central dev box
> >
> > we are introducing SVN and individual environments on the developers
> > local machines.
> >
> > Ideally I would like to be able to use for the local
> > developer machine, for the dev box etc.
> >
> > Clearly we don't have control over the clients DNS so we cant create
> > these on their domain (and I wouldn't want to as 2 of them would be
> > useless to external folks).
> >
> > So I want to create a couple of entries for an external domain name,
> > that are available only to our network and have the external entries
> > still work without us having to maintain a second copy of them (this
> > appears to be the only solution in SBS DNS).
> >
> > Can we do this? How do y'all cope with this? Do I need to look at a
> > different naming schema?
> >
> >
> --
> Haikal Saadh
> Applications Programmer
> ICT Resources, TALSS
> QUT Kelvin Grove
> >

Duncan I Loxton

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