On 30/05/2007, at 10:15 PM, Simon Haddon wrote:
> Portability speaks for itself... many (all?) hosting companies have
> IIS or PHP servers, but the number of them that support CF is
> dwindling. The number of companies supporting or developing in CF is
> also dwindling. If our customers want to take their website to someone
> else, they will be severely restricted in where they can go - some may
> see this as a good thing, but we don't believe in making ourselves
> indispensable to the detriment of the client. It's the same deal with
> ASP (not ASP.NET) - a lot of companies simply aren't supporting it
> anymore.
> Where do you get you figure from?  Or don't you have any.

I'm sure I mentioned this a few months back, but in some work I was  
doing for a client I wrote a scanner to count ColdFusion domains and  
servers on the internet.  Over the last 3 or so years the number  
of .au ColdFusion domains has risen from 2,100 to well over 4,000.

Long time readers of cfaussie know I can't resist sticking my oar  
into threads like this. Here's the 11pm and tired version of my  

1. There is a shortage of devs of all types at present, and has been  
for about the last year and a bit.  This is a natural outcome of the  
slump after the tech wreck which discouraged people from getting into  
Comp Sci courses and the like (Sydney U CS has lowest intake since  
the 1970s).  Every CF shop I know is flat out at present.

2. Apart from a short while at Crows Nest TAFE, ColdFusion has never  
been taught by a university or TAFE.  In the case of Computer Science  
courses I think this is perfectly ok - Any web specific technology is  
too vocational for this purpose.  In the case of TAFEs, A lot depends  
on the staff at each TAFE.  If you became a TAFE instructor you could  
probably choose to make a course out of it, but then you could be out  
earning programming dollars (see 1).

3. ColdFusion isn't for everyone - that's fine.  It's best point has  
always been RAD, and if CF winds up in a stable part of your  
application stack (e.g. I suspect this is the case for Gary's team)  
say as middleware for some other presentation technology and with a  
very fixed set of back ends to integrate with, and little new  
development, then the RAD aspect is less important and a Java  
solution may be more cost effective.  Another way RAD can become less  
important is if you have a good framework in the other technology  
(and you actually use it - that's the hard part).  Good architecture  
evens out the differences somewhat, but the level of discipline  
required is pretty rare.  BTW interfaces have been mentioned for  
Scorpio, although I don't think you're ever going to see strong  
compile time typing in CF - that's not what it's for, and Java  
integration is easy.

4. Apart from situations like (3), I've never bought the cost  
argument for a second.  90% of project costs are developer hours. In  
a RAD environment CF servers pay for themselves in days or weeks.  If  
your business can afford 20,000 in development time and not 1,600 for  
a CF standard license (not to mention all the hosting options)  
something very weird is going on.  If you can't justify 80/month for  
decent CF hosting, perhaps what you're doing is more a hobby than a  



Robin Hilliard
Director - RocketBoots Pty Ltd
Consulting . Recruitment . Software Licensing . Training
m    +61 418 414 341

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