<cfset mystruct["some value here"] = "nonono">


On 6/5/07, MrBuzzy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Um where the code 'breaks' in your example. This isn't valid struct usage.
> Just the same as you can't do this...
> <cfset myStruct.some value here = "nonono">
> Or did I miss something? Ie; this would 'break' it too...
> IsDefined(" ! ")
> Cheers.
> On 6/5/07, David Harris < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > and if you get a bit carried away with struct key names, you can break
> > it too...
> >
> > EG:
> >
> > <cfset myStruct = structNew()>
> >
> > <cfset myStruct["some value here"] = "bob">
> >
> > <cfdump var="#myStruct#">
> >
> > <cfoutput>#isDefined(" myStruct.some value here")#</cfoutput> <!---
> > this line breaks --->
> >
> > <cfoutput>#structKeyExists(myStruct, "some value
> here")#</cfoutput>
> > <!--- this line works --->
> >
> > On Jun 5, 9:46 pm, David Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > One place to NOT use isDefined is on the CGI scope...
> > >
> > > try this:
> > >
> > > <cfoutput>
> > > <p>
> > > isDefined("cgi.bob") = #isDefined("cgi.bob")#
> > > </p>
> > > <p>
> > > structKeyExists(cgi, "bob") = #structKeyExists(cgi,"bob")#
> > > </p>
> > > </cfoutput>
> > >
> > > >From what I remeber, the CGI is a "magic" scope...
> > >
> > > <quote from docs>
> > > Because some browsers do not support some CGI variables, ColdFusion
> > > always returns True when it tests for the existence of a CGI variable,
> > > regardless of whether the browser supports the variable.
> > > </quote from docs>
> >
> >
> > > >
> >

Raymond Camden, Camden Media

Blog      : ray.camdenfamily.com
AOL IM : cfjedimaster

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