So you won't name these products,,,?

On Nov 17, 2007 6:07 PM, Barry Beattie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> "Sounds like you've already decided"
> more, sounds like the decision has been made for me. It's not a
> willing decision.
> "So what are these deep down Adobe products?"
> there's quite a few Adobe products that are only offered for the
> Windows platform. Most have some sort of connection with the hardware,
> mostly the video card. Some can be successfully be run on a "Mac-tel"
> under Windows, but certainly not all, as I'm finding out.
> this day was due to arrive for a while now - ever since Apple moved
> (officially) to Intel. The easy way out now that I see coming is "use
> Windows on a Mac" will be the whipping-boy to not offer products on
> both platform but to expect users to install two O/S's on the same
> machine and switch between them.
> I've already (unofficially) heard a Microsofty offer that as a
> solution for products offered on only a single platform.
> Lots of people have both O/S on their Mac-Tel machines - by choice.
> Soon there won't be choice. Microsoft has won the O/S war thanks to
> Apple - it can now reach into Apple hardware where previously it could
> never go.
> But try and get a guarentee from Microsoft, Apple or Adobe that the
> software will run correctly under Windows on a Mac, and it'll be hard.
> Some stuff, yes. the two products I'm needing ... not so far...
> thanx for the info guys. At least I know I can have a boring,
> bare-bones Windows install.
> >

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