Yes! Get rid of that useless Macbook Pro. In fact, I'll come over and 
take it away for you personally :)

Scott Barnes wrote:
> I'm on the verge of throwing in the Mac towel.. its nothing really 
> specific just that unless I'm using Adobe Products + iLife etc, the 
> majority of my time is spent in Windows Vista.. the one annoyance I 
> have is the keyboard layout vs windows etc.. like APPLE + C for copy? 
> what the heck is wrong with CTRL + C..
> I know you can remap the keyboard but not all software inherits 
> this...i now have a MacBook Pro and an iMac so its a bitter pill to 
> swallow :)
> But .. i still make use of it on the road and thats what matters I 
> guess :)
> On Nov 18, 2007 4:24 PM, Barry Beattie <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>     > How many reasons do you really need to give up a Mac?
>     if it gets like that, one wonders why travel down that road in the
>     first place...
>     heck, if it's good enough for Scott Barnes to pick up a Mac (and open
>     a <> account) then it can't be all bad.
>     Perhaps the question should be "how many reasons does it take to
>     give up a Mac?"
>     In my case, sadly, just one.
> -- 
> Regards,
> Scott Barnes
> >

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