> > ... not to actually do something
> > about it in a collaborative manner.
> and to inform interested parties what is being done and requests for
> collaboration

*Difference being "requesting to do something" and "doing something".*

Even if the tool is only used by the applications we roll out, its worth the

How easy it is to read an RSS file, have a VBS script update all 200 IIS
websites with the IPs blacklisted, or import it into the firewall.

In regards to there being so many IPs.
You'd make the tool smarter, look at the country you're in and only use the
top X% of the IPs that are scanning within Australia, or your hosts IP
range, or integrate with a tool that reads your logs, analyzes it, defines
which IPs are bad, and returns a list to you of those that are bad...
There is ALWAYS a solution to a problem. But keep 'm coming, the more ideas
we get out of it ;-)

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