>  What is the point is that me as a developer, has struggled to remain a
>  Coldfusion developer in my work place. For the same reason that this is
>  being discussed, the decision was made a year ago that rather than try to
>  get the resources we need to move forward as a company. That we would switch
>  to Java, but once that decision was made, there was nothing more I could do
>  in our company to persuade the powers to be. And in the end after we
>  discussed the pros and cons, it was the best for our company.

Actually there is, you could leave your job and go somewhere else.

I think we've already agreed the if you are a CF developer today
trying to find work, there isn't an issue - so if you really wanted
to, you could move over to another company.

But that's a decision that you have to make, and noone can begrudge
you that, as that's your choice.

>  Chad has already stated the same thing, and I am sure there are many others.
>  Me I no longer get to decide if Coldfusion is the best tool for the job any
>  more, and as much as I would like to remain a CF developer I can't in my
>  current position.

Again, if you wanted it THAT badly, you could move.

>  Now we all know that there are a lot of companies out there looking for
>  Coldfusion developers, and what percentage are these being redeveloped
>  because the resources are not as good as they should be?

Who knows.  There are also a percentage of companies moving to
ColdFusion as well. It's always going to ebb and flow.

>  I don't feel like getting into a debate, because at the end of the day we
>  all can see what is happening.

Ha! Since when * don't * you want to get into a debate? In fact, if
you didn't want to get into a debate, you wouldn't be sending emails
to this mailing list in the first place.

And actually no, you're wrong, we can't ALL see what is happening.

> The question remains, can we turn this around
>  and if so how do we get the companies that are looking for the resources to
>  get what they need with ease?

Okay, what part of the 'we' are you making up? I really would like to
know. Seriously.

I know of a lot of people who are working really hard for the CF
Community, and I know of lots of areas in which they could use some
help, or even areas in which there are not enough people to help out.

If you are really THAT interested in helping out ColdFusion, please do
let me know, I'm sure I can hook you up with someone, or find you
something to do.

That being said, it sounds like you have lots of ideas, so feel free
to pick one and run with it.

>  I have already put my hands up as an employee for my company, to offer our
>  companies services as a Coldfusion developer to anyone who needs help. But
>  that virtually fell on deaf ears as well, people seem to want that permanent
>  person. And that is understandable.

So that is the state of affairs at ONE company in Australia.  I'm sure
your sphere of influence is larger than that, no?

Again, I'm not going to deny that there ARE issues.  But when it
starts getting into this hand wringing, 'it's the end of the world as
we know it stuff', and 'This is what I think should be done about CF'
comments, I still think the message is very simple:

If you think CF could be improved in certain areas, help out to make
sure it happens.


Be at your CFUG Meetings, go to BarCamps (bloody good idea by the way
Gary, I wish I had thought of it sooner), go to webDU, talk to people
about Adobe tech, set up websites to promote CF (learncf.com and
www.coldfusiondeveloper.com.au come to mind off the bat), write OSS
software (it doesn't have to be anything amazing, start with cflib.org
even!), and probably a gazillion other things I can't think of right

You would be amazed at what a little bit of work can accomplish, and
you get to reap the rewards as much as the next CF developer.


W: www.compoundtheory.com

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