
I see where Kai is coming, I was thinking along the same lines too,
but after thinking abit more about it I think cf.objective in AU will
be a good thing.

it brings exposure to CF in Australia. Considering there are numerous
Java/.Net/PHP/Linux dedicated Conferences held regularly in Australia,
I believe CF deserves to be in that group (where it has at least one
dedicated conference). Though how many people will actually attend
maybe another factor, and if there is not enough initial demand, Adobe
might be motivated to do more to push CF in Aus.

Suggestion of Topics,

I need to know ideas/methods to more advanced Exchange integration
stuff (though it is more probably to do with Active Directory and
setting up some sort of 'Super' user in exchange). Looking at your own
outlook stuff is ok, but doing more advanced stuff like sharing
multiple calendars will be good. Replicating how you can see other
people's free time (similar to making appointments via Outlook) will
be a start and probably solutions can be based off that.

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