Hi everyone

>From time to time our website appears to hand. I believe it is CF (or
JRun) chocking because each time it happens I can still connect to the
web server via FTP, RDP, DB access. When I look at the Task Manager
jrun.exe is using max CPU. If I restart the CF service or End Process
on jrun.exe everything recovers.

I'm pretty sure I know which bit of code is causing the problem. It's
a web service call to a 3rd party (used quite a lot by users on the
website). Most of the time when the website hangs I can't browse to
the 3rd party's web service. I've tried setting timeouts on the web
service call by using CFINVOKE, CreateObject, CFOBJECT etc but no
improvement. I need to allow for up to 60s because some of the calls
are quite complex.

I'm trying to work out why it's hanging. I suspect that because CF is
allowing 8 simaltaneous requests and each gets 60 seconds then once
all these slots are taken up everyone else goes on a queue and with
all that load the server appears to hang because it's in constant use
i.e. after 60 seconds user 1 gets his timeout so user 9 takes position
8 and round and round it goes and it never stops because with constant
traffic taking up 8 request slots and all taking up resources for 60
seconds it appears to hang. Does this make sense?

So the question is: how do I save the server from getting into this
state. I'm thinking I need some sort of scheduled task which probes
the web service every 10 seconds to work out if it's up. Perhaps if it
times out (3 times just to be sure) I shut of the web service (which
means the rest of the website is still up). The scheduled task keeps
running until no timeout occurs and then it re-activates the web
service for everyone else. Has anyone been through something like this
before? How did you work around it?

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