I second Brett's method.. I do the same thang myself.


-----Original Message-----
From: Brett Payne-Rhodes [mailto:bret...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, February 20, 2009 3:17 PM
To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Validating dates ... what's the trick?

I could never get a reliable result from the various 'parsedate'

In the end I wrote my own function to create dates from strings. It
looks for a variety of delimiters then extracts day, month, year; or
month, year, day; or even year, month, day; depending on how it was set

The trick at the end is to use createDate(year, month, day) wrapped up
in a try/catch. If it throws an error then you have a problem.



Mike Kear wrote:
> I'm trying to catch when a user inputs an invalid date from a set of
> dropdowns for day/month/year.   What's the trick to using
> IsValid("eurodate", .... ?     This doesnt work if the user enters
> 31/2/2009:
> <cfif not (IsValid("eurodate",
> createdate(form.ShipYear,form.ShipMonth,form.ShipDay)      )) >
>   Stuff....
> </cfif>
> If i feed this line the 'date'  31/2/2009 it doesnt do the stuff
> inside the cfif,  it throws an error with the helpful error message
> 'MONTH'.     I guess its because inside the IsValid() function, it's
> trying to create the date first, and never getting to run the
> isvalid() function.
> But if the IsValid() function will only work when it's given a valid
> date, what is the point of it?

Brett Payne-Rhodes
Eaglehawk Computing
t: +61 (0)8 9371-0471
m: +61 (0)414 371 047
e: br...@ehc.net.au
w: http://www.yoursite.net.au

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