Because facebook is about friends connecting...

Applications and pages is about companies and organisations promoting and
advertising. I suggest you log into facebook join the developers page and
read the information available to you.

Seek did exactly what your clients / customers want to do, the best option
is a page / application where you get the same functionality as an account.
The only difference is that the page / application is allowed to do things
that the TOS doesn't cover for normal accounts.

If you haven't read the developers blog, application pages or forums then
you're doing yourself a disfavour by not doing so.

Application is the best way to go, the reason being is that when you create
an Application you then can set that to retrieve from your own servers. This
allows you to connect, produce, direct and if you so desire spam (wouldn't
recommend it) to anyone you wish that connects to your application from your
own servers and database. Not to mention connect that application to any
databse you so desire, including your clients and/or customers.

Again your best bet first is to read the TOS, then read the developers
section, then browse the forums. And as Dale suggested d/load the API that
will allow you to do this.

Been there and written many facebook applications, but at the end of the day
the information you need is already on facebook.

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of Hitesh
Sent: Thursday, 16 July 2009 9:47 PM
To: cfaussie
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Facebook integration using ColdFusion

Can you please tell me little bit more why there is a need to create
"Their best option would be to create an application on Facebook,"???


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