On 23/03/2010, at 3:56 PM, Chris Velevitch wrote:

> ColdFusion Application Architecture for the Impatient by Robin Hilliard
> Bare-bones Model View Controller and Service Oriented Architecture
> techniques with ColdFusion, no framework and a bit of attitude.  Join
> Robin Hilliard in his continuing quest to add elegance and strip
> complexity from ColdFusion development, with examples from the
> RocketBoots site and client projects.
> The next meeting details and RVSP on http://groups.adobe.com/posts/148c9056a4

For those attending the talk has morphed into a talk about SOA and Galaxy - so 
I'm afraid there is a (very new) framework involved, but it's rather 
interesting and nothing to do with MVC.  A better description might be:

Replacing one big ColdFusion application with several simpler, collaborating 
and potentially distributed ColdFusion applications (aka services) is one way 
to tackle complexity in large projects, as long as the inter-service plumbing 
doesn't get in the way.

Join Robin Hilliard in his continuing quest to add elegance and strip 
complexity from ColdFusion development as he demonstrates how to build and 
manage multiple services by extending RocketBoots Galaxy's Service.cfc, which 
is rather like Application.cfc, but different in interesting and useful ways... 
Chief Technology Officer

RocketBoots Pty Ltd
Level 11
189 Kent Street
Sydney NSW 2001
Phone +61 2 9323 2507
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