On May 31, 7:39 am, Kai Koenig <k...@koeni.de> wrote:
> I can add as much detail as necessary to this if people who could make such a 
> decision and move were interested. I don't think this mailing list is the 
> right place though to collaboratively work on a job description for a 
> platform/CF evangelism role in ANZ.
> Cheers
> Kai

Yup I agree with Kai, I think as a group we are all in agreement the
CF vendors (esp Adobe) could do more spreading the CF and expanding
the market in ANZ, if they want to talk details i am sure any partners
or even any CF developers would be happy to give feedback. There is
not much point thinking/talking/planning about actual details (in
detail) till Adobe (or Railo) show  more interest and invite people
who are invested into CF expanding in the region to a working group.

@Steve, Mark, Barry

Regarding symptoms, it is a sign of a broken system, i.e. no Adobe
employee is accountable for CF in ANZ, hence it gets overlooked, I
mean if I was management looking for the number of sellers and
partners for CF i will assume that CF is dead in ANZ judging from
those results...

If you need us to sign some online petition/work on an open letter/
spam email and telephone calls to Adobe AU just give the word...

Also a thought, might be worth a shot setting up a directory service
of some kind of Coldfusion Freelancers/Contractors in Australia...

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