Make sure you're using wsversion="1" in your remote CFC.
I am pretty sure it is v9 that upgraded the AXIS version.

You can set it to be version 1 by default in CFAdmin or on a case by case 
basis within the CFC using the wsversion attribute.


On Thursday, 10 July 2014 11:01:48 UTC+10, Paul Kukiel wrote:
> I have seen this exact thing happen before.  I never solved it. 
>  Restarting cf fxed it but it always came back.  I moved away from wsdl and 
> re-wrote in REST.  Sorry not that much help.
> On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 10:37 AM, Scott Thornton <
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am working with webservices for the first time, and my knowledge is 
>> very rudimentary.
>> Scenario:
>> I need to implement NT Authentication on my intranet app. My CF6.1 server 
>> can’t process the  cfntauthenticate tag.
>> I also have a CF9 9,0,1,274733 server that I can use to process a 
>> webservice to provide authentication.
>> So, working locally at present on CF9…
>> My NTLoginService.cfc looks like :
>> <cfcomponent displayname="NT Login Service" hint="Provides NT Domain 
>> Authentication" output="false">
>>                 <cffunction 
>>                                 access="remote" 
>>                                 name="loginUserNT" 
>>                                 output="no" 
>>                                 returntype="struct" 
>>                                 displayname="Authenticates A User Against 
>> A Windows Domain" 
>>                                 hint="Authenticates a user against a 
>> Microsoft Windows Domain" >
>>                                 <cfargument name="NTusername" 
>> type="string" required="yes" displayname="username">
>>                                 <cfargument name="NTpassword" 
>> type="string" required="yes" 
>> displayname="password">                             
>>                                 <cfargument name="NTdomain"   
>> type="string" required="yes" displayname="domain">                  
>>                                 <cfntauthenticate 
>> username="#Arguments.NTusername#" 
>> password="#arguments.NTpassword#" 
>> domain="#arguments.NTdomain#" 
>>                                                 result="authUser" 
>>                                                 listgroups="false" 
>> throwonerror="false">       
>>                                 <cfreturn authUser>
>>                 </cffunction>
>> </cfcomponent>
>> I hope to return the result of the cfntauthenticate call.
>> I can browse the cfc via URL  http://localhost/login/NTLoginService.cfc 
>> and see the methods\parameters okay.
>> But if I browse to http://localhost/login/NTLoginService.cfc?wsdl
>> I receive the error:
>> *AXIS error*
>> Sorry, something seems to have gone wrong... here are the details:
>> Fault - Error attempting to create Java skeleton for CFC web service.; 
>> nested exception is: 
>>                     coldfusion.xml.rpc.CFCInvocationException: 
>> [java.lang.NullPointerException : null]
>> AxisFault
>> faultCode: {
>> faultSubcode: 
>>  faultString: Error attempting to create Java skeleton for CFC web 
>> service.; nested exception is: 
>>                     coldfusion.xml.rpc.CFCInvocationException: 
>> [java.lang.NullPointerException : null]
>> faultActor: 
>>  faultNode: 
>>  faultDetail: 
>>                     {}hostname:WSHBILL032
>> If I try to invoke the webservice with :
>>                 <cfinvoke 
>>                                 webservice="
>> http://localhost/login/NTLoginService.cfc?wsdl";
>>                                 method="loginUserNT"
>>                                 returnvariable="authentication"
>>                                 refreshWSDL="yes">
>>                                 <cfinvokeargument name="NTusername"      
>> value="#form.username#"/>
>>                                 <cfinvokeargument name="NTpassword"       
>> value="#form.password#"/>
>>                                 <cfinvokeargument name="NTdomain" 
>>                          value="#form.domain#"/>
>>                 </cfinvoke>
>> I receive the error:
>> Unable to read WSDL from URL: 
>> http://localhost/login/NTLoginService.cfc?wsdl.  
>> Error: 500 Internal Server Error. 
>> http://localhost/login/ is a IIS virtual directory that points to 
>> c:\websites\login\
>> I have restarted the local CF server multiple times.
>> I wouldn’t be surprised if I have missed something simple.
>> Would any one have any ideas on what to do next? Googling hasn’t been 
>> very informative.
>> Thanks for any assistance.
>> -- 
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> -- 
> Paul Kukiel 

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