Doh, I have to “call BS” on myself. :-( When I said below I had run the 
wsconfig tool to update the connector, and it had worked. I spoke too soon 
(before sending off the email, as I was right up against another call).

Curiously, while I was indeed able to REMOVE the existing connector (with the 
CF11 wsconfig tool, running as Admin, on Windows 10), and I was able to start 
the process of adding the connector back (still running as Admin), I should 
have waited just another moment before sending the email.

Like others, I’m sure, I got a popup from it saying that while it supported IIS 
4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, it did not support 10. So the tool is checking the IIS 
version and deciding whether to proceed.

And that would then be why Adobe offered the blog entry (which Peter had 
pointed to) showing how to do it manually. And of course, one can do it 
manually, pretty easily. So to be clear, again, one CAN run CF11 (and I assume 
CF10) on Windows 10, and the IIS connector will work, as long as you don’t have 
to update it (remove/re-add it), as may be required in later CF updates. If you 
do need to update the connector, then you have to use the manual steps.

Now, this may seem to have gotten off-track from what Mike had originally 
raised: getting CF9 to run on Windows 10. The first challenge is getting the CF 
installer itself to work on Windows 10 (possible, but not trivial), then the 
second is getting the connector tool to work on it (not likely). You will 
likely find, Mike, that you’d get5 the same error I did, above. And while you 
can’t follow the exact steps Adobe offere3d in the blog post to get the 
connector working manually, you should be able to use it as a template, if 
you’re familiar with how the CF9 (and earlier) wsconfig tool edited IIS. Again, 
pretty easy to do. Someone ought to do a blog post about it at some point. ;-}

I’m working on more details for getting the CF9 installer to work on Windows 
10. In the meantime, there’s a hack way that was also needed for CF9 to run 
even on Windows 8. I’ll share that in a  follow-up note coming next.



From: [] On Behalf Of 
Charlie Arehart
Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2015 2:23 PM
Subject: RE: [cfaussie] CF and Windows 10 and IIS


Well, no, I did not. There are couple points to consider (for any interested in 
his question and my answer).

First, note that I had said that mine was a machine that was already running 
CF11, on Windows 8.1, which I upgraded to Windows 10. I was only saying (all 
along) that it’s definitely not that CF10 “can’t run on Windows 10”, as some 
were saying (perhaps just being lose with what they meant).

Second, there may well be issues either with the connectors, for some people, 
which I acknowledged the first day, saying:

“And if you visit the Adobe blog post (which Peter pointed to), there’s a 
discussion of that (which I initiated last night). The post is
 where they offer the steps for how to get an aspect of CF 10/11 to work with 
IIS on Windows 10 (which I did NOT need to do to get CF 11 running ok on 
Windows 10).”

Third, andn to that, someone may say, “ok, but that’s only if you have things 
configured BEFORE you update to Windows 10. You can’t update the connectors 
once RUNNING Windows 10, can you?”

Well the answer (just tested) is “yes I can”. That also is why I said, in other 
notes in this thread, that while that Adobe forum post seems to be needed for 
SOME people running on Windows 10, it was not needed for me.

So fourth, maybe there is something where if you INSTALL CF10 or 11 on Windows 
10 and THEN try to run the wsconfig tool, some may have a problem. Again, I 
already had CF11 installed when I updated from Windows 8.1 to Windows 11.




From: [] On Behalf Of 
Andrew Scott
Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2015 1:02 PM
Subject: Re: [cfaussie] CF and Windows 10 and IIS




How did you get past the connectors not supporting Windows 10? I am guessing 
you did that manually then.


Andrew Scott


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