Except that the installer will not finish the installation correctly,
because the connectors will never get setup correctly. As they will not run
on Windows 8 or above.

But if you know how to manually set them up, all will be good.

Andrew Scott
WebSite: http://www.andyscott.id.au/
Google+:  http://plus.google.com/113032480415921517411

On Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 5:09 PM, Charlie Arehart <charlie_li...@carehart.org
> wrote:

> OK, here finally is what you can do, Mike (or anyone interested) to get
> things running.
> I mentioned below that the “fusionator” blog post had talked about the
> process, and the key is that he suggests you extract the ColdFusion
> installer exe (yep, it is basically a zip, as an exe), and then he mentions
> “replacing the JRE” that comes with that with a more updated one (which
> does support Windows 8 or 10, such as Java 8 or perhaps later editions of
> Java 7).  He doesn’t say anything more than that (about that process), so I
> assume he really meant “copy/paste” the JRE folder from an updated JVM to
> that folder in the extraction of the exe. (He also doesn’t give details
> about “what” JVM should be used. I will, below.)
> While you can do that, you don’t really have to.
> That same extracted folder (mine was
> C:\Users\charlie\Downloads\ColdFusion_9_WWEJ_win64\) will also have a
> \Windows folder, and in there will be a adobe_cf.lax, which is somewhat
> like CF’s jvm.config, as it’s a property file of JVM args for the
> installer. In that file, there will be a line:
> lax.nl.current.vm=resource\\jre\\bin\\java.exe
> This is what points the installer to the JVM that’s included with the
> installer itself (and it’s that JVM which doesn’t work on Windows 10 or
> 8.1). But my point is that you can just change that to point to an
> “updated” JRE\JVM path that you can obtain.
> But here’s a catch: as I review that lax file, it seems clear that it
> expects a 32-bit JVM (even if the CF you are installing is 64-bit). Again,
> this is just about the JVM for the *INSTALLER*, and so it must bundle
> (inside that exe) a 32-bit jvm. So if we are going to point it at another,
> then we need that to be a 32-bit JVM.
> I did it by pointing at a 32-bit Java 8 JDK that I got (at
> http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html).
> I could have gotten a JRE instead, but I tend to just always get JDKs. I
> really don’t think it matters in this case. But it HAS TO BE 32-bit, or the
> next steps will not work.  When I installed that JDK, it installed to
> C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_51, and THAT is where I needed to
> point the lax file (coming up). The “program files (x86) tells you that it
> was a 32-bit JVM. (Something that one may miss: when you’re running the
> installer for Java, there is a screen with various options you can choose,
> one of which is whether to install it as a “public jre”.  There are good
> reasons to tend to favor NOT doing that, which is what I always do, and if
> you do that, then this path I point to is where it will be installed, by
> default.
> So with that in place, I changed the line in the lax file to:
> lax.nl.current.vm=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Java\\jdk1.8.0_51\\bin\\java.exe
> Note the use of double-slashes. This is just a necessary hassle with Java
> on Windows. (And while it could point to the jre\bin, within the JDK
> folder, it was not necessary.)
> Finally, as “the fusionator” goes on to say in his post, you then do also
> want to right-click the installer exe (in that extracted folder),
> adobe_cf.exe, and enable windows 7 compatibility. (Otherwise, the installer
> will start but then complain that “installer user interface mode not
> supported”.)  Then you run that adobe_cf.exe (not needing it to be run “as
> admin”, in my testing).
> Once I did all this, the CF9 installer now did launch.
> So no, my approach (of editing the lax file) is not necessarily fewer
> steps than “the fusionator”’s approach of “just copying/replacing the JRE
> folders”, but it seems a bit safer in case something goes amiss. It’s
> easier to undo and try again, which I needed to do for various reasons in
> getting this all working.
> So Mike, there you go. With either what the fusionator shared (and my
> additional info about the “right” JVM to get), and copy/pasting over the
> JRE that comes with the installer, or with my tweak here to just edit the
> lax file to point to it elsewhere, you should be able to get the CF9
> installer running on Windows 10.
> Let us know how you get on, if you try it. (And again, let’s not lament,
> “why does Adobe make it so difficult?” Again, this CF9 installer was
> created in 2012, before Windows 10 came out. And they DID add support for
> Windows 8 in an update of CF10 and in CF11 out of the box. I’m sure we’ll
> see an update for CF11 to support Windows 10, and maybe CF10, and certainly
> CF12 will support it out of the box.) And before saying “Lucee or Railo
> don’t have this problem”, be sure you’re looking at an installer of theirs
> from 2012 or before, or it’s just not an apples-to-apples comparison.
> HTH.
> /charlie

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