rjmccall added a comment.

The casts done by emitARCValueOperation will handle the input, but they don't 
quite handle the result properly.  The right test case here is a method named 
"retain" that's declared to return something completely unrelated to its 
receiver type, e.g.

  @class A;
  @interface B
  - (A*) retain;

You should also add a test case for unusual return types that your mechanism 
just can't support and that need to go through the ordinary message-send 
emission, like returning a float.

Comment at: test/CodeGenObjC/convert-messages-to-runtime-calls.m:62
@@ +61,3 @@
+// Make sure we can convert a message to a dynamic receiver to a call
+// CHECK-LABEL: define {{.*}}void @retain_self
You already test this case.  If you make retain_self a class method, this will 
be a class message; but it should still be okay to use objc_retain.


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