hfinkel added inline comments.

Comment at: lib/Driver/Tools.cpp:1477
@@ +1476,3 @@
+  // If unspecified, choose the default based on the platform.
+  if (ABI == ppc::FloatABI::Invalid) {
+    ABI = ppc::FloatABI::Hard;
rjmccall wrote:
> hfinkel wrote:
> > Don't need the { } here.
> We don't seem to have a specific style guideline *mandating* the uses of 
> braces around even single-line statements, but please don't *discourage* them.
I don't believe this represents the current consensus convention on this 
matter. We do actively discourage use of unnecessary braces for ifs, fors, etc. 
The exception being that a series of ifs and elses should have braces for all 
of them if any of them need them.

I often point people at the examples here as representative: 

You're right, however, we don't formally dictate this policy in our coding 
standards. Do you actively dislike this viewpoint?


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