rjmccall added inline comments.

Comment at: lib/CodeGen/CGExprScalar.cpp:1042
+        std::min(DstScale + DstFPSema.getIntegralBits(), ResultWidth));
+    Value *Zero = ConstantInt::get(CGF.getLLVMContext(), APInt(ResultWidth, 
You can just pass 0 here and it'll be zero-extended to the necessary width.

Comment at: lib/CodeGen/CGExprScalar.cpp:1044
+    Value *IsNegative = nullptr;
+    if (Mask != 0) {
I'm sorry, but this code is really impenetrable.  The variable names are 
non-descriptive, and there are a lot of uncommented dependencies between 
values, like how `IsNegative` propagates out, and like how it's checking 
without explanation that there's not a magnitude change using whether the mask 
ends up being all-zero.  Please just assign the two components of 
`ShouldCheckSaturation` to reasonably-named local variables and then use those 
to guide the code-generation here.

Also, the code being generated here is pretty weird.  I'm not sure the mask is 
helping; it might both produce better code and be easier to understand if you 
just broke it down into cases, like this:

  if a magnitude check is required {
    auto Max = maximum value of dest type;
    auto TooHigh = IsSigned ? Builder.CreateICmpSGT(Result, Max) : 
Builder.CreateICmpUGT(Result, Max);
    Result = Builder.CreateSelect(TooHigh, Max, Result);

  if signed -> unsigned {
    auto Zero = zero value of dest type;
    Result = Builder.CreateSelect(Builder.CreateICmpSLT(Result, Zero), Zero, 
  } else if (IsSigned) {
    auto Min = minimum value of dest type;
    Result = Builder.CreateSelect(Builder.CreateICmpSLT(Result, Min), Min, 

Comment at: lib/CodeGen/CGExprScalar.cpp:1034
+  if (DstFPSema.isSaturated() &&
+      (CGF.getContext().getCorrespondingSaturatedType(SrcTy) != DstTy)) {
+    auto Mask = APInt::getBitsSetFrom(
leonardchan wrote:
> rjmccall wrote:
> > Why is this condition based on the formal types exactly matching rather 
> > than something about the FP semantics being different?  Formal types can 
> > correspond to the same format, right?
> > 
> > We need to check for saturation if we're either (1) decreasing the 
> > magnitude of the highest usable bit or (2) going signed->unsigned, (2) 
> > we're going signed->unsigned, or (3) we're going unsigned->signed without 
> > increasing the number of integral bits.  And I'd expect the checks we have 
> > to do in each case to be different.
> For simplicity, I more or less copied the logic from 
> `APFixedPoint::convert()` which performs a saturation check that covers all 
> of these cases if the destination semantics were saturated.
> Added another condition that checks if we need to perform saturation checks. 
> I think your (1) and (3) might be the same thing since I think we only really 
> need to check if the magnitude decreases or if going from signed -> unsigned. 
> I think though that the IR emission would be the same since both cases will 
> require checking for a change in the magnitude (via the mask). The only 
> difference is that if going from signed->unsigned, the min saturation is zero 
> if the value is negative.
Wow, sorry for the edit failure in that review comment.  You're right, it 
should've been just (1) and the first (2).

Are there no fixed-point formats for which the range doesn't go up to (almost) 
1?  I guess there probably aren't.

Comment at: lib/Sema/SemaExpr.cpp:5889
+    case Type::STK_MemberPointer:
+      llvm_unreachable("Unimplemented conversion from FixedPoint to type");
+    }
leonardchan wrote:
> rjmccall wrote:
> > Is there something I'm missing that actually diagnoses the unimplemented 
> > cases here?  There's a lot of code that seems to assume that any two 
> > arithmetic types can be converted to each other, and we do prefer not to 
> > crash the compiler, especially on valid code.
> The plan was to implement these in other patches. I wasn't sure if 
> `llvm_unreachable()` was ok to use as a placeholder for features that will 
> eventually be implemented.
> Added diagnostics here for now to be eventually removed once these casts are 
> implemented in later patches.
You can still use `llvm_unreachable` for the cases here that aren't arithmetic 
types, namely all the pointer types.

  rC Clang


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