rjmccall added a comment.

In https://reviews.llvm.org/D50616#1203772, @lebedev.ri wrote:

> In https://reviews.llvm.org/D50616#1203751, @rjmccall wrote:
> > In https://reviews.llvm.org/D50616#1203692, @ebevhan wrote:
> >
> > >
> >
> >
> > Has anyone actually asked LLVM whether they would accept fixed-point types 
> > into IR?  I'm just a frontend guy, but it seems to me that there are 
> > advantages to directly representing these operations in a portable way even 
> > if there are no in-tree targets providing special support for them.  And 
> > there are certainly in-tree targets that could provide such support if 
> > someone was motivated to do it.
> Even just adding one new LLVM IR instruction (well, intrinsic too, ideally) 
> already 'requires' you to to
>  then go around and make sure it is properly handled wrt all the other 
> instructions, optimizations, codegen.
> Adding a whole new type, i suspect, would be *much* more impactful.
>  And since it can already be represented via existing operations on existing 
> integer type,
>  it isn't obvious why that would be the right way forward.

Very few things in LLVM actually try to exhaustively handle all operations.  
There are a
couple of generic predicates on `Instruction` like `mayHaveSideEffects`, there's
serialization/`.ll`-writing, and there's code-gen.  The first two are not hard 
at all
to implement, and it'd be quite simple to write a legalization pass in code-gen 
turns all these operations into integer operations and which could easily be 
to support targets that want to do something more precise.

The advantages of having real IR support include:

- It's significant simpler for frontends.  All of this logic in Clang will need 
to be reimplemented in any other frontend that wants to support fixed-point 
- It's much easier to test.  The frontend needs to handle a lot of different 
code patterns that ultimately turn into the same small set of basic operations, 
like compound arithmetic and atomic operations and a million different things 
that are supposed to trigger implicit conversions.  It's ver frustrating to 
write tests for these things when constants aren't readable and the generated 
IR for every operation is a ten-instruction sequence.
- It's much easier to analyze and optimize.  I'm sure some fixed-point 
optimizations can be done generically over the underlying integer ops, but many 
others would be much more difficult if not impossible — e.g. I would assume 
that the lowering of padded unsigned values exploits an assumption that the 
padding bit is zero, which a generic optimization cannot know.
- All those ten-instruction sequences add up in their compile-time impact on 
every stage of the pipeline.

I'm not saying it's an open-and-shut case, but LLVM is supposed to be an 
abstraction layer
over more than just the concerns of code-generation, and even those concerns 
obviously point towards frontend expansion.

Like I said, if this is just a hobby and we don't really care about supporting 
this as a feature
beyond just checking a box, frontend expansion is definitely the easier 
approach for checking
that box.  But if we want a high-quality implementation of fixed-point types, 
we should
represent them directly in LLVM IR.

  rC Clang


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