ilya-biryukov added a comment.

Also not sure about the trick:

- Would be surprising to see the "ms" instead of "mbytes"
- Time tends to vary between runs, so using Google Benchmark's capabilities to 
run multiple times and report aggregated times seems useful. Not so much for 
the memory usage: it's deterministic and running multiple times is just a waste 
of time.

I wonder if a separate (and trivial) C++ binary that would load the index and 
report the index size is any worse than the benchmark hack? What are the pros 
of the latter?

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/benchmarks/IndexBenchmark.cpp:81
+// Same for the next "benchmark".
+// FIXME(kbobyrev): Should this be separated into the BackingMemorySize
+// (underlying SymbolSlab size) and Symbol Index (MemIndex/Dex) overhead?
Given the trick we use for display, how are we going to show **two** memory 

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/benchmarks/IndexBenchmark.cpp:154
+  return 0;
Since `return 0` is implied for main in C++, there's no need to add one.
May add clarity though, so feel free to keep it!

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/SymbolYAML.cpp:189
+  if (!Buffer) {
+    llvm::errs() << "Can't open " << SymbolFilename << "\n";
+    return llvm::None;
Return `llvm::Expected` instead of `Optional` and create errors with the 
specified text instead.
This is a slightly better option for the library code (callers can report 
errors in various ways, e.g. one can imagine reporting it in the LSP instead of 

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/SymbolYAML.cpp:200
+    else
+      llvm::errs() << "Bad RIFF: " << llvm::toString(RIFF.takeError()) << "\n";
+  } else {
Same here: just propagate the error to the caller.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/dex/Dex.cpp:239
   for (const auto &P : InvertedIndex)
-    Bytes += P.second.bytes();
+    Bytes += P.first.Data.size() + P.second.bytes();
   return Bytes + BackingDataSize;
Just to clarify: `P.first.Data.size()` is the size of the arena for all the 

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