Szelethus added a comment.

Well, the reason why I didn't add tests for these, is that I know so little of 
ObjC, I am not even sure when a test case begins and ends. I could go ahead and 
google something about the language, but for a site that advertises to find 
bugs, maybe someone with more expertise should do the explanation.

Can someone fill those couple bits in? I tried, but fell flat on my face.

Comment at: www/analyzer/available_checks.html:770
+(ObjC)</span><div class="descr">
+Check for proper uses of Objective-C properties</div></div></td>
+<td><div class="exampleContainer expandable">
george.karpenkov wrote:
> `proper uses` is not particularly descriptive?
Well, I copied it from the actual checker description :/ I genuinely have no 
idea how properties work in ObjC, so I can't really update it on my own.

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