hans added a comment.

>>   $ g++ -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -fpic -shared -o 
>> lib.so lib.cc
>>   $ g++ main.cc lib.so
>>   /tmp/cc557J3i.o: In function `S::bar()':
>>   main.cc:(.text._ZN1S3barEv[_ZN1S3barEv]+0xd): undefined reference to 
>> `foo()'
>> So this is a known issue with `-fvisibility-inlines-hidden`. This doesn't 
>> come up often in practice, but when it does the developer needs to deal with 
>> it.
> Yeah, that is the reason of few chromium code changes.
>  https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/src/+/1212379

Ah, thanks! I hadn't seen what the fixes would look like.

>> However, the static local problem is much scarier, because that leads to 
>> run-time bugs:
> Currently this CL doesn't take care of inline function that is not member of 
> a class.
> `lib.h`:
>   #ifndef LIB_H
>   #define LIB_H
>   struct __attribute__((visibility("default"))) S {
>     int bar() {
>       static int x = 0; return x++;
>     }
>     int baz();
>   };
>   #endif
> `lib.cc`:
>   #include "lib.h"
>   int S::baz() {
>     return bar();
>   }
> Then, static local in inline function is treated correctly.

I think it's possible to get the same problem with member functions, but that 
doesn't matter, it's an existing problem so we don't need to solve it, just be 

Comment at: clang/lib/Sema/SemaDeclCXX.cpp:5719
+          TSK != TSK_ExplicitInstantiationDeclaration &&
+          TSK != TSK_ExplicitInstantiationDefinition) {
+        if (ClassExported) {
takuto.ikuta wrote:
> hans wrote:
> > takuto.ikuta wrote:
> > > takuto.ikuta wrote:
> > > > takuto.ikuta wrote:
> > > > > hans wrote:
> > > > > > takuto.ikuta wrote:
> > > > > > > hans wrote:
> > > > > > > > I still don't understand why we need these checks for template 
> > > > > > > > instantiations. Why does it matter whether the functions get 
> > > > > > > > inlined or not?
> > > > > > > When function of dllimported class is not inlined, such funtion 
> > > > > > > needs to be dllexported from implementation library.
> > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > c.h
> > > > > > > ```
> > > > > > > template<typename T>
> > > > > > > class EXPORT C {
> > > > > > >  public:
> > > > > > >   void f() {}
> > > > > > > };
> > > > > > > ```
> > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > cuser.cc
> > > > > > > ```
> > > > > > > #include "c.h"
> > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > void cuser() {
> > > > > > >   C<int> c;
> > > > > > >   c.f();  // This function may not be inlined when EXPORT is 
> > > > > > > __declspec(dllimport), so link may fail.
> > > > > > > }
> > > > > > > ```
> > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > When cuser.cc and c.h are built to different library, cuser.cc 
> > > > > > > needs to be able to see dllexported C::f() when C::f() is not 
> > > > > > > inlined.
> > > > > > > This is my understanding.
> > > > > > Your example doesn't use explicit instantiation definition or 
> > > > > > declaration, so doesn't apply here I think.
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > As long as the dllexport and dllimport attributes matches it's 
> > > > > > fine. It doesn't matter whether the function gets inlined or not, 
> > > > > > the only thing that matters is that if it's marked dllimport on the 
> > > > > > "consumer side", it must be dllexport when building the dll.
> > > > > Hmm, I changed the linkage for functions having 
> > > > > DLLExport/ImportStaticLocal Attr.
> > > > > 
> > > > I changed linkage in ASTContext so that inline function is emitted when 
> > > > it is necessary when we use fno-dllexport-inlines.
> > > I revived explicit template instantiation check. 
> > > Found that this is necessary.
> > > 
> > > For explicit template instantiation, inheriting dll attribute from 
> > > function for local static var is run before inheriting dll attribute from 
> > > class for member functions. So I cannot detect local static var of inline 
> > > function after class level dll attribute processing for explicit template 
> > > instantiation.
> > > 
> > Oh I see, it's a static local problem..
> > Can you provide a concrete example that does not work without your check?
> > Maybe this is the right thing to do, but I would like to understand exactly 
> > what the problem is.
> For the following code
> ```
> template<typename T>
> class M{
> public:
>   T Inclass() {
>     static T static_x;
>     ++static_x;
>     return static_x;
>   }
> };
> template class __declspec(dllexport) M<int>;
> extern template class __declspec(dllimport) M<short>;
> int f (){
>   M<int> mi;
>   M<short> ms;
>   return mi.Inclass() + ms.Inclass();
> }
> ```
> llvm code without instantiation check become like below. Both inline 
> functions of M<int> and M<short> is not dllimported/exported.
> ```
> $"?Inclass@?$M@H@@QEAAHXZ" = comdat any
> $"?static_x@?2??Inclass@?$M@H@@QEAAHXZ@4HA" = comdat any
> @"?static_x@?2??Inclass@?$M@H@@QEAAHXZ@4HA" = linkonce_odr dso_local global 
> i32 0, comdat, align 4
> ; Function Attrs: noinline nounwind optnone
> define weak_odr dso_local i32 @"?Inclass@?$M@H@@QEAAHXZ"(%class.M* %this) #0 
> comdat align 2 {
> entry:
>   %this.addr = alloca %class.M*, align 8
>   store %class.M* %this, %class.M** %this.addr, align 8
>   %this1 = load %class.M*, %class.M** %this.addr, align 8
>   %0 = load i32, i32* @"?static_x@?2??Inclass@?$M@H@@QEAAHXZ@4HA", align 4
>   %inc = add nsw i32 %0, 1
>   store i32 %inc, i32* @"?static_x@?2??Inclass@?$M@H@@QEAAHXZ@4HA", align 4
>   %1 = load i32, i32* @"?static_x@?2??Inclass@?$M@H@@QEAAHXZ@4HA", align 4
>   ret i32 %1
> }
> ; Function Attrs: noinline nounwind optnone
> define dso_local i32 @"?f@@YAHXZ"() #0 {
> entry:
>   %mi = alloca %class.M, align 1
>   %ms = alloca %class.M.0, align 1
>   %call = call i32 @"?Inclass@?$M@H@@QEAAHXZ"(%class.M* %mi)
>   %call1 = call i16 @"?Inclass@?$M@F@@QEAAFXZ"(%class.M.0* %ms)
>   %conv = sext i16 %call1 to i32
>   %add = add nsw i32 %call, %conv
>   ret i32 %add
> }
> declare dso_local i16 @"?Inclass@?$M@F@@QEAAFXZ"(%class.M.0*) #1
> ```
> With the check, both functions are dllimported/exported and static local vars 
> will be treated correctly.
> ```
> $"??4?$M@H@@QEAAAEAV0@AEBV0@@Z" = comdat any
> $"?Inclass@?$M@H@@QEAAHXZ" = comdat any
> $"?static_x@?2??Inclass@?$M@H@@QEAAHXZ@4HA" = comdat any
> @"?static_x@?2??Inclass@?$M@H@@QEAAHXZ@4HA" = linkonce_odr dso_local global 
> i32 0, comdat, align 4
> ; Function Attrs: noinline nounwind optnone
> define weak_odr dso_local dllexport dereferenceable(1) %class.M* 
> @"??4?$M@H@@QEAAAEAV0@AEBV0@@Z"(%class.M* %this, %class.M* 
> dereferenceable(1)) #0 comdat align 2 {
> entry:
>   %.addr = alloca %class.M*, align 8
>   %this.addr = alloca %class.M*, align 8
>   store %class.M* %0, %class.M** %.addr, align 8
>   store %class.M* %this, %class.M** %this.addr, align 8
>   %this1 = load %class.M*, %class.M** %this.addr, align 8
>   ret %class.M* %this1
> }
> ; Function Attrs: noinline nounwind optnone
> define weak_odr dso_local dllexport i32 @"?Inclass@?$M@H@@QEAAHXZ"(%class.M* 
> %this) #0 comdat align 2 {
> entry:
>   %this.addr = alloca %class.M*, align 8
>   store %class.M* %this, %class.M** %this.addr, align 8
>   %this1 = load %class.M*, %class.M** %this.addr, align 8
>   %0 = load i32, i32* @"?static_x@?2??Inclass@?$M@H@@QEAAHXZ@4HA", align 4
>   %inc = add nsw i32 %0, 1
>   store i32 %inc, i32* @"?static_x@?2??Inclass@?$M@H@@QEAAHXZ@4HA", align 4
>   %1 = load i32, i32* @"?static_x@?2??Inclass@?$M@H@@QEAAHXZ@4HA", align 4
>   ret i32 %1
> }
> ; Function Attrs: noinline nounwind optnone
> define dso_local i32 @"?f@@YAHXZ"() #0 {
> entry:
>   %mi = alloca %class.M, align 1
>   %ms = alloca %class.M.0, align 1
>   %call = call i32 @"?Inclass@?$M@H@@QEAAHXZ"(%class.M* %mi)
>   %call1 = call i16 @"?Inclass@?$M@F@@QEAAFXZ"(%class.M.0* %ms)
>   %conv = sext i16 %call1 to i32
>   %add = add nsw i32 %call, %conv
>   ret i32 %add
> }
> declare dllimport i16 @"?Inclass@?$M@F@@QEAAFXZ"(%class.M.0*) #1
> ```
Thanks! This seems like a problem with the current code though, and hopefully 
we can fix it instead of working around it in your patch.

A shorter version of your example:

template <typename T> struct S {
  int foo() { static int x; return x++; }

template struct __declspec(dllexport) S<int>;

int f() {
  S<int> a;
  return a.foo();

Clang will dllexport `S<int>::foo()`, but not the static local. That's a bug.

I'll see if I can fix (tracking in https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=39496).


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